Privacy Policy is a calculator website, which provides service to calculate EMI, CAGR, SIP, Age or Birthday, & Compound Interest and many more Calculator. This page is intended to inform website visitors with respect to our policies with the collection and use of Personal Information given by the visitors.

If you opt to make calculations, you agree to the collection and use of information with regards to the policy. The Personal Information that we collect from the visitors are utilized for providing and making improvements in the service. We will not share the information with anyone other than as described in the Privacy Policy.

Information Collection

We respect the privacy of the visitors’ seriously. We will collect information via cookie or web log with an only intention to enhance services for our customers.

Log Data

Whenever you visit our website, we collect information through your browser which is Log Data. It may include information like your computer system’s IP address, pages of our website that you visit, time spent, date and time of visit, etc.


Cookies are files that contain small amount of data and it is used as an unique identifier. These are stored on your computer’s hard drive and store data related to the activity that you do during visit to the website.

MarkCalculate uses these cookies to collection information and to enhance the services. An option will be displayed to accept or refuse these cookies. In case you refuse our cookies, there are some parts of the website that you will not be able to use.

Web Forms

We have several forms on our website that you fill through which you will be able to make the calculations with the help of calculators.


You provide us your valuable personal information and we implement latest technology to ensure its protection. However, no method of electronic storage is 100% secure and it’s not guaranteed about its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

Our website may contain links that direct to other sites. In case you click on such a third-party link, you are directed to that website. We have no control over these websites and thus we suggest you to review the content and privacy policy of that website before giving your personal information.


While every effort has been done in developing this calculator, we are not accountable for any incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the calculator tools on our web site. These tools serve to visitors as a free calculator tool. Please use at your own risk. The calculations provided are just a guide. You are advised to speak to a professional financial advisor before taking any financial decision.