Inches to Centimeters Converter

Convert from:
Result in centimeters:

1 inches(in) = 2.54 Centimeter(cm), 1 Centimeter(cm) = 0.39370079 inches(in)

Inches to cm

Inches and cm are the terms that happen to be the most used terms related to measurements in our day-to-day lives. To understand these terms properly and to differentiate between them, we now look at these two units of measurements separately.

How many cm in a inches?

1 inch = 2.54 cm, 1 inch must contain 2.54 cm which is roughly the width of your thumb. 2.54 cm make what we call an inch.

cm to inches Formula

What is Inches?

Inch or “in” is a unit of length. Inch is sometimes used to convert similar units into measuring system. It can be said to be equivalent to the width of the thumb of an average adult. Inch is also denoted by double prime (“). The word inch is borrowed from a Latin word “uncial”, meaning one twelfth. The exact measurement of a length of an inch have varied in the past, but since the 1950s it has been defined as 2.54millimetre.

Inches are used widely. Some of the uses include measuring your TV screen or measuring your clothing.

When you are seeking for centimeter to inch converter, one centimeter is smaller than one inch.

Conversion of Inches to Centimeters

Inches Centimeter
1 Inches 2.54 cm
2 Inches 5.08 cm
3 Inches 7.62 cm
4 Inches 10.16 cm
5 Inches 12.7 cm
6 Inches 15.24 cm
7 Inches 17.78 cm
8 Inches 20.32 cm
9 Inches 22.86 cm
10 Inches 25.4 cm
11 Inches 27.94 cm
12 Inches 30.48 cm
13 Inches 33.02 cm
14 Inches 35.56 cm
15 Inches 38.1 cm
16 Inches 40.64 cm
17 Inches 43.18 cm
18 Inches 45.72 cm
19 Inches 48.26 cm
20 Inches 50.8 cm
21 Inches 53.34 cm
22 Inches 55.88 cm
23 Inches 58.42 cm
24 Inches 60.96 cm
25 Inches 63.5 cm
26 Inches 66.04 cm
27 Inches 68.58 cm
28 Inches 71.12 cm
29 Inches 73.66 cm
30 Inches 76.2 cm
31 Inches 78.74 cm
32 Inches 81.28 cm
33 Inches 83.82 cm
34 Inches 86.36 cm
35 Inches 88.9 cm
36 Inches 91.44 cm
37 Inches 93.98 cm
38 Inches 96.52 cm
39 Inches 99.06 cm
40 Inches 101.6 cm
41 Inches 104.14 cm
42 Inches 106.68 cm
43 Inches 109.22 cm
44 Inches 111.76 cm
45 Inches 114.3 cm
46 Inches 116.84 cm
47 Inches 119.38 cm
48 Inches 121.92 cm
49 Inches 124.46 cm
50 Inches 127 cm

Our centimeter to inch converter helps you to convert ‘cm to in’ quickly and accurately.


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