Meters to Feet Converter

Convert from:
Result in Feet(ft):

1 Meter(m) = 3.28084 Feets(ft), 1 feet(ft) = 0.3048 Meters(m)

Meters and feet are the terms that we are so accustomed to use that we sometimes forget the significance of these terms. Before we differentiate between the two and see how we convert meter to feet, let us look at them separately so that we understand these terms.

How many Feets in a meter?

1 meter = 3.28084 feets

There are approximately 3.281 feet in 1 meter and about 0.3048 meters in 1 feet.

To convert into meters into feet, divide your figure by 3.28084 wherein if you want to convert meters into feet multiply your figure with 3.28084


Convert 15 meters into feet:
15 m = 15 × 3.28084 ft = 49.2126 ft

Meter to Feet | MarkCalculate

What is Metere?

The metre or meter (m) is the basic unit of length of in the international system of units (SI). This term “meter” is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in the vacuum in 1/299, 792, 458 of a second. Originally, in 1793, it has been said that the meter was defined by one ten millionth of the distance from that of the equator to the northern pole.

The definition has slightly been changed in 1889, 1960 and then in 2019 because of the slight change in the definition of a second.

Being the standard unit of length, it has many uses all across the globe. It is used in measuring distance, height, length etc. In the US, instead of meters yards, inches are more commonly used.

1 Meter 1.0936 Yard
1 Yard 0.9144 meter
1 Meter 39.370 Inches
1 Inch 2.54 Centimeter
1 centimetre 0.39370 Inch
1 Millimetre 0.039370 Inch

Conversion from Meter to Feet

Meter Feet
1 Meter 3.2808 Feet
2 Meter 6.5617 Feet
3 Meter 9.8425 Feet
4 Meter 13.1234 Feet
5 Meter 16.4042 Feet
6 Meter 19.685 Feet
7 Meter 22.9659 Feet
8 Meter 326.2467 Feet
9 Meter 29.5276 Feet
10 Meter 32.8084 Feet
11 Meter 36.0892 Feet
12 Meter 39.3701 Feet
13 Meter 42.6509 Feet
14 Meter 45.9318 Feet
15 Meter 49.2126 Feet
16 Meter 52.4934 Feet
17 Meter 55.7743 Feet
18 Meter 59.0551 Feet
19 Meter 62.336 Feet
20 Meter 65.6168 Feet
21 Meter 68.8976 Feet
22 Meter 72.1785 Feet
23 Meter 75.4593 Feet
24 Meter 78.7402 Feet
25 Meter 82.021 Feet
26 Meter 85.3018 Feet
27 Meter 88.5827 Feet
28 Meter 91.8635 Feet
29 Meter 95.1444 Feet
30 Meter 98.4252 Feet
31 Meter 101.706 Feet
32 Meter 104.9869 Feet
33 Meter 108.2677 Feet
34 Meter 111.5486 Feet
35 Meter 114.8294 Feet
36 Meter 118.1102 Feet
37 Meter 121.3911 Feet
38 Meter 124.6719 Feet
39 Meter 127.9528 Feet
40 Meter 131.2336 Feet
41 Meter 134.5144 Feet
42 Meter 137.7953 Feet
43 Meter 141.0761 Feet
44 Meter 144.357 Feet
45 Meter 147.6378 Feet
46 Meter 150.9186 Feet
47 Meter 154.1995 Feet
48 Meter 157.4803 Feet
49 Meter 160.7612 Feet
50 Meter 164.042 Feet

In metric terms one square foot is a square with sides 0.3048 meters in length. One square foot is thus the equivalent to 0.09290304 square meters. m^2=ft^2 10.764


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